The Muller family lived at 3 rue de l'Avenir in the 20th arrondissement. Manek and Rachel emigrated from Poland in the 1930s and set up shop as home-based dressmakers. During the war, their four children - Henri, Jean, Annette and Michel - attended school on rue Olivier-Metra.
On July 16, 1942, French police officers came to arrest Rachel and the children. Manek, warned of an imminent round-up and convinced that it would only concern men, hid the day before with a neighbor. The two eldest sons, Henri and Jean, managed to escape and were reunited with their father. Annette, Michel and their mother were taken to the Vélodrome d'Hiver where they stayed for several days before being taken to the Pithiviers camp. On August 7, 1942, Rachel was deported from Pithiviers on convoy #16 and arrived at Auschwitz on August 9. Only Manek and the children survived.
In 1991, Annette published La Petite Fille du Vel d'Hiv, which she dedicated to her mother, Rachel. In his preface, Serge Klarsfeld says that "Annette has become the family memorialist. Annette's account is movingly intense, so much so that her love for her mother dominated her life as a child; a cheerful, beautiful, intelligent, hard-working, flirtatious and sociable mother." On the day of the roundup, the mother begs: "Don't take the children".
Annette died on August 9, 2021. 79 years to the day after her mother disappeared in Auschwitz.
Annette Muller was arrested during the July 16, 1942 round-up. She experienced the horror of the Vel' d'Hiv', was torn away from her mother who was forced onto a train bound for Auschwitz, and lived through the hell of Drancy. Post-war France did not want to talk about this horror. Shocked by the silence surrounding what is now called the Vel' d'Hiv' roundup and especially the amnesia that covered the fate of Jewish children in France during the Second World War, Annette decided to write the story of her childhood in 1976. She sent her text to numerous publishing houses. In vain. It was not until 1983 that Serge Klarsfeld published fragments of it in his book Vichy-Auschwitz. The Barbie trial and the film Au revoir les enfants by Louis Malle in 1987 opened the eyes of the public. Annette's testimony finally found an audience. In 1991, the first edition of La petite fille du Vel' d'Hiv' was published by Denoël. The book tells the story of her family from 1929 to the autumn of 1942 when she was released from Drancy. In 2009, she published the completed version with a recounting going all the way to 1947 and followed by the testimony of her father Manek. Although they have been essential reference texts for researchers, writers, and filmmakers, none of Annette's works has ever been translated into English. The following work is a humble contribution to filling this gap. We hope that reading it will inspire a professional translator to do an official translation of La petite fille du Vel' d'Hiv'.
In 1995, Annette and her three brothers, Henri, Jean and Michel, provided testimonials to the USC Shoah Foundation. The text below is a translation of Annette's testimony, interspersed with excerpts from her brothers'. This four-voice account attempts to reconstruct, as closely as possible, the childhood of these survivors as they depicted it 50 years after the events. It also tries to reproduce the indefectible complicity that bonded "this clan" until the end. Unfortunately, it does not answer all the questions that readers may have. Only La petite fille du Vel' d'Hiv' provides all the keys.
Rachel and Manek circa 1930
Paris, 1934 - Manek, Henri, Jean, Annette and a childhood friend in the Square des Envierges. Picture taken by Rachel.
Paris, 1934 - Rachel, Henri, Jean, Annette and a childhood friend in the Square des Envierges. Picture taken by Manek.
Manek's brother, Pierre Schneps. He lived in Paris and survived the war.
Manek's sister, Chana Schneps. She was murdered in Poland in 1942.
Manek's youngest brother, Elek Schneps. He was murdered in Poland in 1942.
Biez-en-Belin, Fall 1940 - Rachel and her children in the village where they took refuge in 1940. Picture taken by a German soldier.
Sister Clotilde who saved the Muller children.
Front row, very middle: Annette and Michel at the Lamarck Asylum after getting out the Drancy camp in September 1942
Paris, November 1942 - The four siblings are finally reunited. Annette wears the bow Sister Clotilde made to hide her shaved head.
L'Haÿ-les-Roses, May 1943 - Communion of Jean and Henri
Drouilly, 1944 - Henri (front row, first on the left), Jean (back row)
St-Rémy, 1944 - Annette (front row, second from right)
Toulouse, 1944 - Manek after escaping from the work camp.
Le Mans, 1945 - Château de Méhoncourt run by the Jewish charity organization O.S.E. (Oeuvre de secours aux enfants)
Le Mans, 1945 - first postwar picture of Manek with his four children
Le Mans, 1945 - Annette and Henri
Paris, 1945 - Manek back at 3 rue de l'Avenir
St-Rémy, April 1945 - Communion of Annette
Paris, 1947 - Annette at 3 rue de l'Avenir
Pauline Kleinman whom Manek married in 1948
Henri Muller has kept many letters and cards exchanged between brothers and sisters during the war but also between Manek and his children. This epistolary correspondence highlights the love that bound the Muller family. Despite the risks involved, the father never stopped writing to his children and making sure they had everything they needed. Reading Manek's letters also tells the story of an immigrant who had not yet mastered the French language and had to hide. In his handwritten letters, we hear the melody of his accent that emerges from his phonetic writing. In the ones written for him by his childhood friend, Marc Kleinman, who spoke French perfectly and with whom Manek was hiding in Périgueux, the accent disappears behind a text displaying precise grammar and spelling. There are also letters with approximate spelling written by French people, such as the concierge of the Place du Guignier. To read these texts is to unwind the intimate thread that linked the family despite the separation. But it is also to discover the story of an immigrant through his linguistic peregrinations. The man who was called Manek Schneps in his native country became Manek Muller in his adopted country. Although his letters are signed Muller, it is Schneps who expresses himself through a language that often escapes him and who, in spite of everything, succeeds in expressing all his love to his children.
Paris, 7.28.42
Dear Henri and Jean I am very surprised why you have not written to me until now I dare to think that you did not get my address, so here is my address: Mrs. Widow Fossiés 6. Place du Guignier For tailor Paris (20th) I hope you find yourself in good health and that you you do not lack anything, now write me if you need a parcel. with fruit in it. always buy what you need in the meantime [?] the 300 francs I gave you don't forget dear jean to take care of your ear if you have no medicine ask the sister for the prescription by giving the address of the rue des pyrénées Paris. I have received news from mom she is in Beaune-la Rolande write a letter to your mom to console her because until now she doesn't know where you are, so here is the address. Housing Camp Baune-la-Rolande Mme Muller (loiret) don't forget to write me the whole truth if you are well I hope that you don't get bored. And that you don't need anything I finish my letter and write me immediately. your Father who thinks of you Muller
August 23rd, 1942
Marc Kleinman pour Muller 81 rue de Bordeaux Périgueux (Dordogne) (pour Miller)
Colonie de vacances St Vincent de Paul pour Henri et Jean Muller 34, rue des tournelles L’Hay les-roses (Seine)
Dear Henri and Jean I was obliged to leave Paris for some time and will not be able to see you any time soon. I am very sorry about this. I beg you very much to write me very regularly a card once a week to the address of Marc Kleinman 81, rue de Bordeaux - Périgueux. I will think of you all the time but don't forget me either. I hope we can meet again soon. If you need something for a dessert write to the house Evain 156, rue Pelleport Paris 20th who will send you what you want. Everything is paid in advance. I have not yet heard from Mom. Don't forget my little Henri to take care of Jean. Once again I ask you to write to me once a week. I give you both a big kiss. Your father Muller
Marc Kleinman pour M. Muller 81 rue de Bordeaux Périgueux (Dordogne)
Maison St Vincent de Paul pour H. et J. Muller 34, rue des Tournelles L’Hay-les-Roses (Seine)
My dear little ones Thank you very much for your card, I beg you very much to write me regularly. I am now in the country since the 1st and work on a farm. I always think of you of Mom and the other two little ones and hope that we will all see each other soon. Be strong and courageous and hope. My little Henri please write to Sister Clotilde 140, rue du Bac Paris 7th, to ask her to look again for mom, Annette and Michel, she is very kind and may be able to do something. My little Jean, is your ear already healed? Write to me often. I give you a big kiss Dad
Agonac Sept. 22, 1942
Kleinman pour Muller 81 rue de Bordeaux Périgueux (Dordogne)
Maison St Vincent de Paul 34, rue des Tournelles L’Hay-les-Roses (Seine) pour Henri et Jean Muller
Dear Henri and Jean ! I received your card which made me very happy, I am very happy that you are in good health, if you still have medicine for your ears. From mom and Anette (sic) and Michel I am still without news. to get you to come I am doing everything to be with me. Wait patiently and don't forget that we are not allowed to come to our house your father who thinks of you Miller (sic)
Agonac October 10, 1942
Monsieur Kleinman Marc pour Muller 81 rue de Bordeaux Perigueux (Dordogne)
Maison St Vincent de Paul 34, rue des Tournelles L’Hay-les-Roses (Seine) pour Henri et Jean
Dear Henri and Jean even though I have not yet received any news from you I am writing you a few words. First of all I want to let you know that I have sent you a package. If you are going to school? write it to me and if you are doing well. Write everything that is happening. I send you a big kiss your father who thinks of you Muller (signature)
Marc Kleinman pour Muller 81 rue de Bordeaux Périgueux (Dordogne)
Mson St Vincent de Paul pour Muller 34, rue des Tournelles L’Hay-les-Roses (Seine)
My dear children. I received your card and was very happy with it. It was clean, well written and without spelling mistakes. I hope that you will continue like this. You have started to go to school again. You will have to work hard to do regularly all your homework and above all to be clean and be very good. Continue to write to me every week. Reading your cards is my only pleasure. I have sent you a small package and will send you another one soon. I hope, my dear children, to have soon news from Michel and Anette (sic). Your dad, who is thinking of you, kisses you both very much. Muller
Agonac Oct. 15
M. Muller chez Mlynarczyk Agonac Versailles (Dordogne)
Maison St. Vincent de Paul 34 rue des Tournelles L’Hay-les-Roses (Seine) Pour Henri et Jean
Dear Henri and Jean ! I received your card which made me very happy. I would like to know if you go to school, and if you have already received the package, I will send you another parcel. be good at school. I am still working in a farm about mom I have no news, but about Anette (sic) and Michel, I will know in a few days. I kiss you very much your father who thinks of you always Miller (sic)
Marc Kleinman pour M. Muller 81, rue de Bordeaux Périgueux (Dordogne)
Mson St Vincent de Paul pour H. et J. Muller 34, rue des Tournelles L’Hay-les-Roses (Seine)
My dear little ones. Your card gave me great pleasure. I am happy to know that you are in good health and hope that you do not lack anything. I recommend to you again to do well at school, to do regularly your lessons and homework. You will give me thus a lot of joy, because you are now my only consolation. I wrote to you in the previous card, that in addition to Mrs. Schindler's packages, I sent you a package from here; did you receive it? If you are too busy during the whole week, write to me all Thursday, that's the day you are most free? Your father who thinks of you often, sends you both a big kiss Manelle Muller
Agonac Nov. 2nd 1942
Monsieur Marc Kleinman 81 rue de Bordeaux Périgueux (Dordogne) (pour Miller) (sic)
Colonie de vacances St Vincent de Paul 34 rue des tournelles L’Hay les-roses (Seine) pour Henri et Jean
Dear Henri and Georges [?] I have received your card, I am very happy that you are already at school and that you are working well. Now I would like to know if you have you received my packages, which I sent to you? I want to know if you have everything you need to go to school? Tell me if Jean's ears are fine. I would like you to send me news every week. From mom and Annette and Michel, I have no news I hope to get some news soon I finish my card by sending you my best kisses Your father who thinks of you Miller [sic]
M. Marc Kleinman pour Muller 81 rue de Bordeaux Périgueux (Dgne)
Mson Vincent de Paul pour H. et J. Muller 34, rue des Tournelles L’Hay-les-Roses (Seine)
My dear little ones. I have just received your card of the 25th which gave me great joy. I do my best, my dear children so that we can see each other soon, but you know that it does not depend on me alone. I hope to have soon news from Michel and Anette (sic), I will pass them on to you immediately. It gives me great pleasure to know that you are working well at school. You write to me that you have received my packages. Is this the package I sent you from here? Do you have everything you need, do you need some pocket money? Answer me to all the questions. Your father who loves you very much kisses you warmly both of you Muller
M. Muller chez Mlynarczyk Versailles Par Agonac (Dordogne)
Anette (sic) Muller 27, rue du chevalier de la Barre Paris
My dear little ones. I have just received your card my dear Annette and it made me very happy. I am glad to know that you are both in good health because I hope that Michel is with you. I have just sent you a package, write me immediately when you have received it and if the things I have sent you have made you happy. I have regular news from Jean and Henry (sic), write to them, here is their address: Home St Vincent de Paul for Muller 34, rue des Tournelles L'Hay-les-Roses (Seine). They will be very happy to hear from you and will answer you immediately. Write me since when you have been at this address. Do you need some money. Your father who loves you much and thinks of you, sends you a tender kiss. - Manelle Muller
M. Marc Kleinman pour Muller 81 rue de Bordeaux Périgueux (Dgne)
Mson St Vincent de Paul pour H. et J. Muller 34, rue des Tournelles L’Hay-les-Roses (Seine)
Have you received the package? My dear children I would like to announce to you first of all a very good news. I have just received a card from Annette; she is with Michel in Paris. I ask you to write to them immediately to the following address: Annette Muller - 27, rue du Chevalier de la Barre Paris 18. They will be very happy to have of your news. I am very sorry to know that you don't have any shoes. I try to find some here, but it is very difficult. If it rains too much one day it's better not to go to school that day than to catch cold. Write to Sister Clotilde a very polite card asking her to find some shoes. Do you have money, my little ones, to buy cards and for your little expenses? Your father who thinks of you sends you a big kiss Muller
Marc Kleinman pour Muller 81 rue de Bordeaux Périgueux (Dordogne)
Mson St Vincent de Paul pour J. et H. Muller 34, rue des Tournelles L’Hay-les-Roses (Seine)
My dear little ones. I have just sent you the third package - I hope you have received the two previous ones - write to me as soon as you receive it. Have you written to Annette and has she answered you? Write to her often and send her a pencil and some cards. She thus will be able to write to who she wants. I also sent today a parcel to Annette and Michel, I was planning to send them cards, but I forgot. Please write to Sister Clotilde to ask her if she wants to do something to bring all four of you together. As for Mom, I hope that we will find her and will be together again one day. I send you kisses. Muller
Marc Kleinman pour Muller 81 rue de Bordeaux Périgueux (Dgne)
Mson St Vincent de Paul pour H. et J. Muller 34, rue des Tournelles L’Hay-les-Roses (Seine)
My dear little ones. I have just received your card. It made me happy but a little surprised at the same time. I seemed to read in your card that you are sad but you don't dare to admit it to me. How I understand you my little ones. You have to be brave and have patience. You must understand that if I could, I would come to see you every day. I am also very sad that I am not able to do so. Something else worries me my little ones. When I left, I left 3000 frs. to pay your room and board. I didn't know how much it was necessary to pay per month. I ask you to ask for how many months I owe and how much money I owe. I will send it as soon as possible. I have also sent you each 100 frs to buy the little things, which you may need. I kiss you both. Muller
Agonac, 11.26.1942
Kleinman 81 rue de Bordeaux Périgueux Dordogne.
Maison St Vincent de Paul 34 rue des Tournelles L’Hay-les-Roses Seine pour Henri et Jean Muller
Dear Henri and dear Jean, I have just received your letter which gave me great pleasure. I would like to know how Jean's ear is doing? I had sent you 200 francs for your expenses. I hope that you will soon be together with Michel and Annette, so Henri take good care of your brothers and your sister. I had sent you a package. If you see Annette ask if mom has left for her some things , also dear Henri asks sister Clotilde if Annette will be with you. And now write to me if you have had shoes, if you are eating well and if you are sharing your parcel well. From Mom I have no news, but let's hope to hear from her soon and I will do my best to go and see you. Write me a little more than usual. I am finishing my card hoping that it finds you in good health. I give you a big kiss your father who thinks of you.
Agonac, November 30th
Muller chez Mlynarczyk Versailles par Agonac (Dordogne) Pour Henri et Jean Muller
Maison St Vincent de Paul 34 rue des tournelles Le-Hay-les-Roses Seine
Dear children, I have received your card, which naturally gave me great pleasure, because you are now together all four of you. Dear Henri, I would like to know what Annette has told you about your dear mother, and whether she entrusted her with any things and what she said, if Michel and Annette look well and are not too tired. Did you receive the third package I sent you? and did Annette receive the two packages and the 50 Fr? I would also like to know if you have warm clothes and shoes - Are you all in good health? and do you share the parcels among yourselves? I am still without news from mom, but hopefully it will come. I kiss you very much all four - Your father who thinks of you.
Marc Kleinman pour Muller 81 rue de Bordeaux Périgueux (Dordogne)
Mson St Vincent de Paul pour J. et H. Muller 34, rue des Tournelles L’Hay-les-Roses (Seine)
My dear little ones I received your last card and read it with the same pleasure as the previous ones. I am very happy that you can see each other quite regularly with Annette and Michel while waiting for us to see each other with your mother. Did Annette receive the last package in which I had sent her some clothes? I will make very soon a package to send to you and that you asked me for, as well as some clothes. It is extremely difficult to find something but I am doing my best and hope to succeed. My little ones you must take good care of your things as you probably know it is very difficult to replace them. Ask Mr. Schindler if it is possible for him to make you each a pair of pants. I always work in the same place. I give you a big kiss all Muller
Postcard from December 27, 1942 (from Manek to Henri and Jean)
Marc Kleinman pour Muller 81, rue de Bordeaux Périgueux (Dordogne)
Mson St Vincent de Paul pour J. et H. Muller 34, rue des Tournelles L’Hay-les-Roses (Seine)
My dear little ones. I have left you for too long without writing to you and I blame myself enough. Believe me, I cannot write to you very often, but that should not prevent you from writing to me regularly. I have already written to you that your cards are my only pleasure. I received a card from Annette and Michel which made me very happy. Do you see them often? Did you receive the package of clothes and do they fit you well? My little Jean, is your ear completely healed? You have not talked to me about it for some time. I hope that we will soon have news from Mom and that we will all meet again soon. Did you have a Merry Christmas. I wish you a happy year and give you a big kiss. Muller.
Agonac- January 3rd
Muller chez Mlynarczyk Versailles par Agonac Dordogne
Mson St Vincent de Paul 34 rue des Tournelles L’Hay-les-Roses (Seine) pour Henri et Jean
My dear Henri- My dear Jean, Were you able to spend Christmas with Michel and Annette? I hope you received my Christmas parcel - please tell me what you receive and if there is nothing missing. I sent some shoes but they are a bit big: I think they will fit anyway. Does Jean still have an earache? I wish it would go away. I am well and still working here. Please write to me if you have received the package of clothes. I send you a big kiss. Your father who thinks of you and who loves you. Muller
Marc Kleinman pour Muller 81 rue de Bordeaux Périgueux (Dordogne)
Mson St Vincent de Paul pour J. et H. Muller 34, rue des Tournelles L’Hay-les-Roses (Seine)
My dear little ones. I have just received your letter and I am very happy. I am very pleased to know that the clothes fit you well, I thought the shoes would be too big for you Henri so much the better if they fit you well. As soon as I can find another pair I will send it to you Jean. My dear little ones, don't worry about me, don't think about my hardships, I'm very happy when I can make you happy. You are my only joy. So much the better if you lack nothing, live happily and think with gratitude of your benefactors who are so kind to you.Be patient, the day when we will all meet again with joy may not be far off. I send you a big kiss Muller.
M. Kleinman pour Muller 81, rue de Bordeaux Périgueux (Dordogne)
Mson St Vincent de Paul pour H. et J. Muller 34, rue des Tournelles L’Hay-les-Roses (Seine)
My dear little ones. I saw your photo which gave me great joy. I see that you look good and that you have grown. I am happy to know that you are still thinking of me, but I beg and beseech you with the tenderness and love that I bear you not to worry and not to despair. Have trust, Providence will not abandon us. Do not be saddened if for some time you should not receive my news from me regularly. I am still in good health and thinking of you. I kiss you tenderly. Muller.
Muller 81, rue de Bordeaux Périgueux (Dordogne)
Mson St Vincent de Paul pour H. et J. Muller 34, rue des Tournelles L’Hay-les-Roses (Seine)
My dear little ones. For a long time now I haven't heard from you and I am a bit worried. I hope that you continue to be well Is Jean no longer suffering from his ear anymore? Please answer me as soon as possible and to all my questions. Once again I ask you please not be bored and have courage and patience. Concerning me nothing very particular, I work and I am in good health. Let me know if you need anything, I will try to get it for you as much as possible. Your daddy who thinks of you all the time kisses you very tenderly. Muller
M. Muller 81, rue de Bordeaux Périgueux Dordogne
Mson St Vincent de Paul 34, rue des Tournelles L’Hay-les-Roses (Seine) pour H. et J. Muller
My dear children. I have just received your cards which gave me great pleasure. I am happy to hear that you have been reunited again and have been able to spend some time together again. I am also glad that the christening and the whole ceremony made you so happy. I hear with pride that you are working well and hope that you will continue. Continue to pray for peace in the near future we all need it. Did you receive the last package? I beg you to let me know immediately at reception, because if they should be lost it would be a pity that I continue to send them. Your father who loves you well kisses you all My little Jean - are you no longer suffering from your ears? Muller
My dear children. I have received your letter as well as the picture which gave me great pleasure. I learn with joy that I will soon receive your photos I am looking forward to them. I am happy to know that you are in good health and happy to have taken your communion. I hope that you finished your school year well; now you will have more leisure time and you will be able to write to me more often. Let me know if you are eating well and if you are receiving all the packages, let me know also if you need something special and I will try to send it to you. How did you find Annette and Michel during your last meeting? Tell me what the doctor said about Jean's ears? I asked you several times and you never answered the questions I ask you. How do you spend your free time; write often to Annette and Michel My little Jean, do you have enough cotton for your care? Thank the sisters for all the kindness they have for you and be grateful for the home they have recreated for you. Continue to pray for soon Mom's safe return.Let's hope that it will not be long before we all see each other again soon. Your father who is always thinking of you kisses you tenderly – Mr. Muller
Périgueux July 12th, 1943
My dearest children, I have received your last letter and I am happy to know that you are in good health, I am also happy about your good behavior during the school year. my dear little Jean, you wrote me that your ears are better, I would also like to know what the specialist told you, and if your ears are still running a lot, please be careful because you know that dear mom was always afraid for your ears, write me too [?] the snack at the national relief, don't you have enough at the orphanage? for me too food is very difficult, aren't you tired? Dear Henri I don't understand why you didn't write me a few words last time, I am very happy that you wrote a letter to Anette (sic) and Michel, they too are very happy, did you already receive my last parcel where there were pants for Jean, bread toasts chocolate etc. This week I will send you another parcel , here everything is fine I am still waiting for news from your dear mom, hoping that soon I will be able to give you some, my dear children, please answer all my questions I send you a big kiss your father who is is thinking of you signature
My dear children I have received your letter and I am happy to know that you are in good health. I am parti- cularly happy that you no longer suffer from you ear and that your boo-boo will soon be completely healed. It is very pleasant for me to read your letters and to see how reasonable you are. I am particularly touched to see that you do not forget to ask in every letter information about my work and my life away from you. On the other hand, it is very painful for me not to be able to visit you for the moment. You must be patient, my dear children, do not despair - even though your misfortune and our sorrows are very great - we must remember that there are people even more unfortunate than us. Courage soon we will all get together with Mom I am still working at the same place and manage to get by. don't worry about me, you see that I always manage to send you a package from time to time.I have received the photo of your communion - here you are now big boys. Annette regularly writes me beautiful letters, she is happy and works well. Michel is [?] so write often to Annette so that she doesn't get bored. I beg you to thank the dear Sisters for their devotion to you and in particular the Sister who kindly wrote me a few words. Did you receive the last package with the apples. I end my letter kissing you very tenderly. Your father who always thinks of you Mr. Muller
My dear children I received your card and I was very happy. I am particularly happy to know that you are in good health and free of tuberculosis. I have heard from Annette and Michel, I hope they write to you as well. They are both very happy. Sister Clotilde sent me a long letter to me and I answered her recently. I asked her to place you Henri in middle school in the hope that you will do well there and also asked her not to separate you if it is possible. She must certainly have informed you of her intentions and will let you know in due course her decisions. I ask you to trust her completely, as she always acts in your best interest. In your next reply, please write me how you spend your time and whether you eat well. I know that the difficulties of supply are quite great, so I will do my best to send you, from time to time parcels. Be sure that despite the difficulties in which I find myself, I am thinking of you above all. My little Jean, are you still continuing your ear treatments? I still firmly believe that we will soon be reunited and even though our separation is still prolonged I do not lose hope. Your father who always thinks of you kisses you tenderly. Muller
St Rémy this 11th of November 1943
My dear brothers I am happy to write you these few lines which I think will please you. It's been ten days since dad left, did you receive my letter, tell me because I like to hear news from you, which will give me great pleasure, I wrote to dad the day before yesterday because he sent me a beautiful card from Périgueux. I am in good health like you. At the moment it is not as hot as before I wrote to Rachel who is with some sisters in the free zone because she was asking for news of me she is in very good health, Daddy told me. Say hello from me to My Mother and the other people who are staying in Neuilly. I am sending a card to Jean for his birthday. I finish my letter by kissing you with all my heart Your sister who thinks of you Annette
Dear Henri and Jean ! I thank you very much for the wishes you have sent me, and I wish with all my heart that the year 1944 will reunite us again. Your father that thinks of you Muller
St Remy this 26th of March 1944
My dear brothers – I think that both of you are well and that Jean is happy to be with Michel, you make a good couple. I come to announce to you that on Holy Thursday, I will have the happiness to take My Private Communion. I think that you will pray well for me so that I will be ready to accomplish this great act; I will not forget you, neither dad, nor mom. Maybe dad will be present at my Communion; judge if I would be happy. My uncle Pierre wrote to me, he asks me for your address, I will give it to him. I am doing very well because we are very well fed and we have large portions. Now that the snow is gone, we will go for long walks in the mountains. Already on Sunday we were able to go out. Genevieve's father is going to come, we are happy because he is going to bring us news about My Mother and many things that My Sister Marie has asked for. My Mother wrote to us Marguerite Vachon and me a beautiful short letter that we have kept preciously so we can read it again from time to time. I say hello to My Sister Thérèse, to My Sister Anne-Marie and to Mademoiselle Olympe, and to both of you I give you a big kiss. Your little sister who always thinks of you. Annette Muller As my letter was leaving I receive yours, I thank you for having thought of my birthday and to Mademoiselle Olympe, and I kiss both of you very much. Your little sister who always thinks of you. Annette Muller
Mson St Vincent de Paul pour Henri Muller 88 Bd Victor Hugo Neuilly sur Seine (Seine)
many things for Sister Superior Dear Henri! After several days of traveling, I am in Uzerches, I went to see Annette, she is very happy with the gift from you, she is very well in St Remy and my Sister Mari and Miss Armonodin [?] are very good for her. Here is my new address : G.T.E. 528. for Muller in Uzerche (Corréze) I give you a big kiss your dad who thinks of you
Uzerche, April 27th, 1944
My dear little Annette, I have received your letter which gave me great pleasure. As I promised you I am sending you a pair of shoes in case the shoes would be too big, you must ask Sister Marie to try to exchange them for a smaller size. A few days ago I sent you a package you will receive at the same time a package from a lady; for all this you must not write to me until I write you a new address. I hope that you have written a letter to your brothers because I have not received anything and now with the change of my residence I will remain without news, that's why you must write often to your brothers So my dear Annette, as always try to be nice and please all the women who take care of you. I will try to send a package to Henri again before I leave, then you can ask him if he has received it. I'm ending my letter with a big kiss for you your dad who is always thinking of you Miller [sic] You will send me back this letter because I will put it aside
Uzerche, 4/27/44
My dear Sister, As I promised you to write to you in case of a change I inform you that I am thinking of leaving and as soon as I can I will write you my new address so that I can always stay in touch with my dear children As always I do not lose courage hoping that the sufferings will end soon; especially since I have the certainty that my dear children are in safe hands. I thank you for your devotion to my dear ones and please accept my most sincere friendship. A friendly hello to Miss Armantin [?] Signature
May 30th 1944
My dear little daddy I have changed my address too and I am in Drouilly with Jean and Michel. I am very well. I have learned with great sorrow all that happened in Perigueux. I pray as well as Michel and Jean for you so that nothing bad happens to you. You are so good to us. I have written to Annette. Dad, I passed my school certificate I took it in Neuilly, You must be very happy I did it to please you. I hope that your health is good. The three of us are doing very well. We are always thinking of our dear mom. Daddy yesterday we had a nice ride to a brook. We had a lot of fun. I help the little ones to read, I have to cook and it's a lot of work. My daddy I don't think I have more to say . I send you a big kiss Jean Muller Michel Muller Your big boy Henri
NEUILLY January 11th 1945
Dear Jean. Dear Michel. Foreword I will give you some news from Neuilly that will please you. I received your letter the other day, you told me what you had for Christmas, I too have been spoiled by Madame Valentin. On January 2, 1945 I went to see S. Clotilde with Annette. As it was too early, I went up to the Bon Marcher [sic] with Annette. She gave a chwg gum for each of you, that is one for you and one for Michel - Papa comes to see me quite often and he would like all the boys to come back - You know Jean, excuse me for my handwriting, but my finger hurts (an abscess) you know I have all the misfortunes. I had a stye in my eye again. At the moment there is snow, snow, snow... But today it's the top. 15cm of snow we can't walk, fortunately it's Thursday, so we stay in the big hall. 1st stage. So now let's talk about Superior School. I started school on January 3rd. Very well received by my friends, we are 15 in our class - For arithmetic: it's algebra at its maximum (x + y - z + x) fortunately I studied some with the abbot [?] Spelling : it is the director as last year - Geo: the world - Ancient History - Chemistry - Physics - Literature - Metric System English angles - it's okay. Pause for an anecdote. There is a little 5 year-old. So the other 3 had him clean the toilets with snow so he was frozen. He was screaming: "It's burning!" What a life... I send you a can of paint. You will say thank you to me meaning you will write to me Did you get the knives- Brian came. Lemoine too and Mon [?] too. We had the visit of Miss Rolland and Mr. Desprez. Rolland will come back tomorrow. Well I have nothing more to tell you. I send you a big kiss as well as Michel Your big brother Henri Muller
Versailles, 3.27.45
My dear dad The vacations have started and we are having a great time. We are playing soldiers, and all kinds of games. I hope that you are very well and that Pierre is well too. I will give you the address for the ceremony that will take place on Sunday April 1st, it is this Sunday coming. Here is the address 30 rue Saint Hilaire La Varenne ((Seine et Oise)) You will need to take the train at 10:55 from the Bastille I hope you will go with Pierre and Annette. For the children Annette will be able to eat with us, but for the adults you have to ask to the Comite 36 rue Hamelot [sic]. Goodbye my dear dad Jean goes to 36 rue Hamelot [sic] on Thursday he will take the train at 9:22 am. So he will arrive in Paris like the other time around 9:50-10 I send you a big kiss Henri Muller.
My dear Henri. Thank you very much for your letters, they have made me both very happy and a bit of displeased. Somewhat displeased especially, because you lose faith in me so fast. That I didn't sent you your things right away, that I know, I'm wrong, very wrong even, but I'll explain to you later why I didn't send it to you. But that you doubt that I've already spent the money you gave me, so my dear Henri, that is not right. But who do you think I am? As for the package you told me to send you listen carefully to what I'm going to tell you about it. The day I arrived, I couldn't do anything, it was the evening, you understand me, don't you. So, the next day it already started to bear on my mind - so I go to Marc's room and ask him for your things, you see that despite everything I wanted to keep my promises, so deep down, I'm not quite sure what you think I am. But let's get back to the point. So, Marc gives me your stuff, a huge box, when I saw that, it already started to intimidate me. I am not resourceful at all. You know that. He took the box to the bathroom of our room. It's still there now. I thanked him, and he left. Well, here I am with the box in my hands. Ah! that box, for God's sake! I will remember it for a long time. It will have given me a lot of trouble, I assure you. I'm curious, you know, like all women. No sooner did I get it I opened it, and sure enough, I saw things that I liked, and that could very well serve me for the the seventh grade. First of all the book on the Metric System, that's the one I need, so I took it. The other books Lotte took them, not all of them because she saw that some of them belonged to you. In your next letter you will tell me exactly what is yours or not, because that's what's bothering me the most. I took the little Larousse English-French dictionary if you use it, I will send it back to you. Are you using the compass box if not, couldn't you lend it to me. You know Henry I need a pen, very, very badly, couldn't you send me one with the plaid coat? Please. You wouldn't have thought I'd be in the seventh grade, did you? Neither did I. as a matter of fact, we've already done 6 compositions, I only have one grade in French, the essay, you know! you understand, I got 13 out of 20, I'm third out of 28. Then we did a composition too, I got eight and a half out of 10. Jean wrote to me, but I don't remember his address. Would you please send it to me, and you will be an angel. Is Michel still in Paris? Have you heard about the exhibition of children's work in Paris. It was Méhoncourt that won. We have a beautiful study room now, it's the old office. The new office is in the old room of Mrs. Herman, who has left. Jacquie and Bernard are getting married today, and are leaving in the evening for Montpelier. Buart will write to you, Albert Grabert told me, and even Albert says hi, as well as Marc, Lotte, every one in fact. Bernard's little ones always ask when you'll be back. I give Dad a big kiss, you tell him that I'm doing well, that I'm going to see him at Christmas, and that I kiss everyone and Pierrot of course. Hello to Rachel and her family. Don't forget the coat and the pen (if you can) don't do like me. your sister (I don't even know how to write sister now.) your sister. Love to you. Annettett (but I am crazy)
Mons. Muller Henri Chateau de Méhoncourt Route de l’Eventail Le Mans (Sarthe)
M. Muller Manuel (sic) 3 rue de l’Avenir Paris 20eme (Seine)
Dear Dad It's a little late but I want to wish you a good vacation 45-46. I am also on holiday, and I do not waste my time. Morning get up at 8:30 - gymnastics 8:30- 8:45 - Then from 8:45 to 9 Washing - 9 to 9:30 - breakfast. And then until noon work: Drawing - cutting reading - carpentry - and in the afternoon - games. You see it goes very well. For Christmas Day Annette was invited by the Americans. Like last year. You know dad, I wish I were near you, to spend these few days. I hope you are well. I received the package. Thank you very much. Tell Michel to write me. I also play Ping-Pong and Foot-Ball. I am not bored like in Neuilly. I send you a big kiss Henri Muller Annette
Dear Dad And the moment that I have just finished the first letter they bring me your letter dated Monday 24. I am very happy. Don't be sorry, Annette is not sick. It was a cold. Annette has everything she needs clothes-wise long pants, shoes, coat. So don't worry about her. I was given a raincoat and good shoes and I'm going to get a coat. I was also given a suit with two pairs of long pants. You see, I am well dressed. So you see, everything is fine with me. Come quickly on New Year's Day . Dad, I'll send you as soon as possible 5 soldering sticks with a small box of [?]. I've already spotted some in Le Mans. It's very easy to find. The market is every Friday. So I will go... I kiss you very much. Henri Muller My dear dad, you must not believe that I am sick, yes I have cold but it's over. I am waiting for you with impatience. Annette Your little daughter who loves you very much. Good kisses
In an eagerness to preserve every detail of my story with the Mullers and to keep the thread of what we were trying to weave, I regularly wrote down in a notebook - curiously of the Mnemosyne brand - impressions, descriptions of what happened during the day.
These notes, shared here in the form of a blog, provide new reading keys and information about what went on behind the scenes of my touching and mischievous adventure with Henri. We discover an old child who is both facetious and the bearer of the family memory. A heavy responsibility but one that he honors with elegance, generosity and humor. Elegant, generous and full of humor: this is exactly the portrait that Annette, Henri, Jean and Michel all made of their mother Rachel.
On June 21, 2021, Henri went back on the trail of the young boy he was on July 16, 1942. In this film, he invites us to discover the history of the Vel d'Hiv roundup through the steps his family took that morning. Starting from the top of the stairs at 3 rue de l'Avenir, he walks to the Bellevilloise before fleeing to the Place du Guignier.
Full transcription of the testimonies by Annette, Henri, Jean and Michel Muller read here.
Sciences-Po, "Chronology of repression and persecution in Occupied France, 1940-1944", read here.
Sciences-Po, "The Vélodrome d'Hiver Round-up, 16-17 Juillet 1942", read here.
Sciences-Po, "The Drancy camp", read here.
Sciences-Po, "Aloïs Brunner", read here.
Yad Vashem, "Vél' d'Hiv Round-up", read here.
Transcription of selected extracts from George Wellers's testimony at the Eichmann Trial (9 May 1961), read here.
Report after the inspection of the Pithiviers camp by the regional Prefect (Nov. 1941 and Jan. 1943), read here in French.
Report after the inspection of the Beaune-la-Rolande camp by the regional Prefect (Nov. 1941), read here in French.
Report after the inspection of the Drancy camp by the regional Prefect (1943), read here in French.
Green Ticket Round-up photographs,See here.
"A journey like no other" by Samuel Muller, featuring his father Michel (in French): watch here
Micheline Cahen, Red Cross social worker in Beaune-la-Rolande, describes the conditions in the camp in her testimony. Read the transcription and the translation here.
Marcelle Duval, volunteer for the Red Cross, recalls what she saw in the Vélodrome d'Hiver after the July 16, 1942 roundup: watch here.
Transcript in English of Marcelle Duval's testimony: read here.
Annette Monod, Red Cross social worker, describes the conditions in the camps of Pithiviers, Beaune-la-Rolande and Drancy: watch and read here.
George Wellers at the Eichmann trial: Arrival of the Vel d'Hiv children at the Drancy camp: watch here.
USHMM - Film on the Lamarck Asylum (1938): watch here.
Film shot clandestinely in the Beaune-la-Rolande camp (1938): watch here.
From Akadem, a video on the looting of Jewish apartments in Paris (in French): watch here.
Demolition of the Vélodrome d'Hiver: watch here.
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) Collections
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) Holocaust Encyclopedia
Yad Vashem - The World Holocaust Remembrance Center